136 Quotes by James Gunn

  • Author James Gunn
  • Quote

    I've always believed in the power of rational thinking and behavior as the savior of the world, and science fiction as a powerful medium to encourage that, which explains my signature line, 'Let's save the world through science fiction.'

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  • Author James Gunn
  • Quote

    It's impossible not to constantly adjust the way you look at yourself.

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  • Author James Gunn
  • Quote

    Getting so much attention all at once, with so many people who want something from you or want to talk to you... for someone who is overly sensitive to other people's needs, that can be difficult.

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  • Author James Gunn
  • Quote

    I love the attention and I hate the attention, you know? It's not always good for your soul.

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  • Author James Gunn
  • Quote

    I know, people have had different things to say about Marvel, about how creatively free they are or not free they are, but for me, the rule has always just been stay as good as I can possibly be, and stay one step ahead of the curve, and stay unique, and stay myself. And they seem to like that.

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  • Author James Gunn
  • Quote

    Honest to God, for me, I've never been a guy to stack projects. A lot of these other guys, they like to do this and then line up what they're doing next and line up what they're doing next. I just can't do it.

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  • Author James Gunn
  • Quote

    I like the Nova Corps; I just don't like Nova that much! He's okay, you know? I just don't like that helmet!

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  • Author James Gunn
  • Quote

    I wrote a 20-page document, before I was ever hired, on exactly how the visuals of 'Guardians of the Galaxy' would be approached, how we'd look at creating a new type of space epic. That's exactly what the movie is today - absolutely everybody has adhered to that original document.

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  • Author James Gunn
  • Quote

    I saw 'Fifth Element' once when it first came out and never thought much of it.

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