87 Quotes by James Hilton

  • Author James Hilton
  • Quote

    I often think that the Romans were fortunate; their civilization reached as far as hot baths without touching the fatal knowledge of machinery.

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  • Author James Hilton
  • Quote

    And there’s another thing, too – it don’t hurt when you chip me about it. Thick-skinned and tenderhearted, that’s my mixture.

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  • Author James Hilton
  • Quote

    The will of God or the lunacy of man – it seemed to him that you could take your choice, if you wanted a good enough reason for most things.

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  • Author James Hilton
  • Quote

    He was not much of a nature-worshipper, but he perceived that nature here was certainly at her best and liveliest. He gave her, as it were, full marks and a nod of approval, feeling that she would do very nicely as a background to his satisfying emotions.

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  • Author James Hilton
  • Quote

    It did not require a great deal of imagination to picture a world in which power had passed into the hands of Al Capones with their private bombing squadrons.

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  • Author James Hilton
  • Quote

    For London, Blampied claimed, was of all cities in the world the most autumnal – its mellow brickwork harmonizing with fallen leaves and October sunsets, just as the etched grays of November composed themselves with the light and shade of Portland stone. There was a charm, a deathless charm, about a city whose inhabitants went about muttering, “The nights are drawing in,” as if it were a spell to invoke the vast, sprawling creature-comfort of winter.

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  • Author James Hilton
  • Quote

    He was a wanderer between two worlds and must ever wander...

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  • Author James Hilton
  • Quote

    If I could put it into a very few words, dear sir, I should say that our prevalent belief is in moderation. We inculcate the virtue of avoiding excesses of all kinds – even including, if you will pardon the paradox, excess of virtue itself.

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  • Author James Hilton
  • Quote

    You cannot judge the importance of things by the noise they make.

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