807 Quotes by James Joyce
- Author James Joyce
His blood began to murmur in his veins, murmuring like a sinful city summoned from its sleep to hear its doom.
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- Author James Joyce
The sad quiet greyblue glow of the dying day came through the window and the open door, covering over and allaying quietly a sudden instinct of remorse in Stephen's heart. All that had been denied them had been freely given to him, the eldest: but the quiet glow of evening showed him in their faces no sign of rancour.
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- Author James Joyce
Pe treptele îndepărtate ale altarului cel mare, gol precum trupul domnului, preoții zac prosternați în șoptită rugăciune(...) Ea stă în picioare lângă mine, palidă și rece, înveșmântată în umbrelele naosului negru ca păcatul, cu cotul fragil la brațul meu (...)Îi văd ochii întunecați și plini de suferință, frumoși ca ochii unei antilope. O, rană nemiloasă! Dumnezeu libidinos!
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- Author James Joyce
Tineretea are un sfârsit: sfârșitul e aici. Nu va mai fi niciodată. O știi prea bine. Și atunci? Scrie-o, blestematule, scrie-o! La ce altceva ești bun?
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- Author James Joyce
We have the liberal arts and we have the useful arts.
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- Author James Joyce
The mouth can be better engaged than with a cylinder of rank weed.
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- Author James Joyce
- Then, said Cranly, you do not intend to become a protestant?- I said that I had lost the faith, Stephen answered, but not that I had lost selfrespect
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- Author James Joyce
Ah, furchte fruchte, timid Danaides! Ena milo melomon, frai is frau and swee is too, swee is two when swoo is free, ana mala woe is we! A pair of sycopanties with amygdaleine eyes, one old obster lumpky pumpkin and three meddlars on their slies.
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- Author James Joyce
No man, said the Nolan, can be a lover of the true or the good unless he abhors the multitude; and the artist, though he may employ the crowd, is very careful to isolate himself.
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