174 Quotes by James Lee Burke
"Listening to a story told by Clete Purcel was like building the pyramids with your bare hands. I twirled my finger, trying to make him finish."
"I don't like to bust drunk drivers. I don't like to listen to their explanations, watch their pitiful attempts to affect sobriety, or see the sheen of fear break out in their eyes when they realize they're headed for the drunk tank with little to look forward to in the morning except the appearance of their names in the newspaper. Or maybe in truth I just don't like to see myself when I look into their faces."
"You know what they say at [Alcoholics Anonymous] meetings. Coincidence is your Higher Power acting with anonymity.''I didn't know you were in the program.''I'm not. I go for the dialogue. It's great material."
"I had to feel sorry for Bubba's wife. In AA we called it denial. We take the asp to our breast and smile at the alarm we see in the eyes of others."
"I wasn't interested in trying to explain how the measure of one's life finally reduces itself to the possession of the moment, then the moment after that, moving through each of them in sequence from day to day, letting go of yesterday and asking nothing from the future except to be there for it."
"May the road rise up to meet youMay the wind be always at your backMay the sun shine warm upon your faceThe rains fall soft upon your fieldsAnd until we meet againMay God hold you in the palm of His hand."