44 Quotes by James Runcie

"St John of the Cross once wrote: “In the evening of our life, we shall be judged by our loving."


"He had never taken such dislike to a man before and immediately felt guilty about it. He remembered his old tutor at theological college telling him, ‘There is something in each of us that cannot be naturally loved. We need to remember this about ourselves when we think of others."


"I can’t allow myself to tire. I’ve already run off the cliff. I just have to keep remembering not to look down."


"Sidney had never been very good at differentiating between tasks that were urgent and those which were important, and often those tasks that seemed urgent, but were not important, took precedence over the duties that were important, but not urgent."


"Sometimes,’ he observed, ’things can be rather too clear."


"Don’t write to impress. Write to entertain."


"First you get a dog, and then you develop a taste for wine. God knows what might happen next."


"The race was not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, he told himself. Time and chance happened to them all, and it was vital, above all, to hold a steady course."


"Sidney was beginning to feel uncomfortable. As a priest he was used to informal confession, but he could never quite reconcile himself to the fact that it often contained quite a lot of detail. There were times when he wished people wouldn’t tell him so much."


"Loyalty should be at the heart of friendship, don’t you think?’ ‘I don’t think it counts for much without it. It’s a question of trust."
