44 Quotes by James Runcie

"Sidney remembered how strikingly original the poem was. For George Herbert, the time we spend on earth is not all too brief and transient but too long: because it detains human beings from a life outside time and with God."


"I think we’ve lost our awareness of what “wonder” really means:."


"That’s the wonder of jazz, Mary,” Johnny explained. “There’s no right way and there’s no order."


"Let us have wine and women, mirth and laughter, Sermons and soda-water the day after."


"There is something in each of us that cannot be naturally loved. We need to remember this about ourselves when we think of others."


"I think we’ve lost our awareness of what “wonder” really means: the more we content ourselves with the narrow confines of our existence, the less we wonder. It’s like the word “awful”. Now it’s something bad, but previously it was close to wonder. People were filled with awe."


"Sometimes, I think, we are not always aware of how much we have to live with what we have done in the past. We can’t predict how these things will affect us."


"So much of life was about noticing things, he thought. It was about observation."


"We had so much to look forward to. It was as if we were going to be young once more and we could be whoever we wanted to be. We would start again. We were going to live as we have never lived."


"Here Sidney sat, with the ham sandwich and flask of tea that Mrs Maguire had prepared, and let thoughts come to him. It was a form of prayer, he decided. It was not asking or talking but waiting and listening."
