546 Quotes by James Russell Lowell

  • Author James Russell Lowell
  • Quote

    Talent is that which is in a man’s power; genius is that in whose power a man is.

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  • Author James Russell Lowell
  • Quote

    A ginooine statesman should be on his guard, if he must hev beliefs, not to b’lieve ’em too hard.

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  • Author James Russell Lowell
  • Quote

    The only conclusive evidence of a man’s sincerity is that he gives himself for a principle. Words, money, all things else, are comparatively easy to give away; but when a man makes a gift of his daily life and practice, it is plain that the truth, whatever it may be, has taken possession of him.

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  • Author James Russell Lowell
  • Quote

    A sneer is the weapon of the weak. Like other devil’s weapons, it is always cunningly ready to our hand, and there is more poison in the handle than in the point.

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  • Author James Russell Lowell
  • Quote

    God’s livery is a very plain one; but its wearers have good reason to be content. If it have not so much gold-lace about it as Satan’s, it keeps out foul weather better, and is besides a great deal cheaper.

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  • Author James Russell Lowell
  • Quote

    In life’s small things be resolute and great To keep thy muscle trained; Know’st thou when Fate Thy measure takes, or when she’ll say to thee, “I find thee worthy; do this deed for me?”

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  • Author James Russell Lowell
  • Quote

    A woman’s love Is mighty, but a mother’s heart is weak, And by its weakness overcomes.

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