25 Quotes by Jamie O'Neill

  • Author Jamie O'Neill
  • Quote

    I don’t hate the English and I don’t know do I love the Irish. But I love him. I’m sure of that now. And he’s my country.

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  • Author Jamie O'Neill
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    The world would say that we did not exist, that only our actions, our habits, were real, which the world called our crimes or our sins. But Scrotes began to think that we did indeed exist. That we had a nature our own, which was not another’s perverted or turned to sin. Our actions could not be crimes, he believed, because they were the expressions of a nature, of an existence even. Which came first, he asked, the deed or the doer? And he began to answer that, for some, it was the doer.

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  • Author Jamie O'Neill
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    He slept that night thinking of loves and lighthouses. That one love might shine to bring all loves home.

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  • Author Jamie O'Neill
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    We’re extraordinary people. We must do extraordinary things.

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  • Author Jamie O'Neill
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    Did you not look upon the world this morning and imagine it as the boy might see it? And did you not recognize the mist and the dew and the birdsong as elements not of a place or a time but of a spirit? And did you not envy the boy his spirit? For you know there can be no power over him who freely gives what another would take. Such a one has the capacity to love. Freely, naively, to say I do.

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  • Author Jamie O'Neill
  • Quote

    I’m just thinking that would be pleasant. To be reading, say, out of a book, and you to come up and touch me – my neck, say, or my knee – and I’d carry on reading, I might let a smile, no more, wouldn’t lose my place on the page. It would be pleasant to come to that. We’d come so close, do you see, that I wouldn’t be surprised out of myself every time you touched.

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  • Author Jamie O'Neill
  • Quote

    Jim looked at him. He was lying on his front with a meadow grass sticking out from his mouth. How did Doyler do this? He could make Jim so angry with himself, so ashamed. The next minute, he was all alive, like a spark was inside, like the full of him was electric. How did Doyler do this to him? He really didn’t know.

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