111 Quotes by Jamie Oliver

  • Author Jamie Oliver
  • Quote

    Fight the staggering rise of type-2 diabetes by simply learning to cook healthy fresh food – it’s fun, and it could save your life!

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  • Author Jamie Oliver
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    The best food I’ve ever eaten in my life has come from the poorest communities.

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  • Author Jamie Oliver
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    When I was a schoolkid, I went to Castleton quite a few times. We’d be there studying rocks, going down these big hills. It was a great place!

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  • Author Jamie Oliver
  • Quote

    Pick a destination, go there, be open-minded and talk to the locals. Eat the things they eat and go where they go. You don’t need to be fluent, just as long as you’ve got a smile on your face- people will be jumping over themselves to show you the stuff they’re proud of.

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  • Author Jamie Oliver
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    In England, you’re allowed to have an opinion – as long as it comes out of your mouth.

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  • Author Jamie Oliver
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    All I ever wanted to do was to make food accessible to everyone; to show that you can make mistakes – I do all the time – but it doesn’t matter.

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  • Author Jamie Oliver
  • Quote

    I hear loads of cynics saying that I’ll never be able to change anything. They say that junk food marketing and the ready availability of fast food is just too powerful. But I’d say in response, screw you. I know that most people, if they’re really honest, are fed up with the same old rubbish.

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  • Author Jamie Oliver
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    I’ve made a few nice dishes in my time, but this must be the best I’ve ever made.

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  • Author Jamie Oliver
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    I love roasting because you can give it love, get it in the oven and go and play with the kids or whatever you’ve got to do, and then hours later you’ve got a lovely dinner.

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