140 Quotes by Jan Schakowsky

  • Author Jan Schakowsky
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    My family reached the United States before the Holocaust. Both of my parents emigrated from Russia as young children. My grandparents were fleeing religious persecution and came to America seeking a better life for their family.

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  • Author Jan Schakowsky
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    Immigrants are integral to the strength of our nation. They deserve comprehensive reform that will provide a pathway to citizenship and ensure that families aren't torn apart.

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  • Author Jan Schakowsky
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    In Illinois, we've seen job losses from agreements like CAFTA and NAFTA. Those agreements didn't help American workers - and they haven't brought improvements to the lives of workers in other countries, either.

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  • Author Jan Schakowsky
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    While trade agreements are negotiated in secrecy, behind-closed doors, we have learned enough from leaks to know that the result of passing TPA to 'fast track' these trade agreements would affect everything from food safety to environmental protection to consumer financial protections.

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  • Author Jan Schakowsky
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    The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act doesn't protect women's health. It threatens it.

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  • Author Jan Schakowsky
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    Workers should not be prevented from bargaining with the companies that help set their wages, benefits, schedules, and workplace conditions.

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  • Author Jan Schakowsky
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    A woman should not have to fear retribution from her employer, and the District of Columbia should be able to pass laws to protect against that retribution.

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  • Author Jan Schakowsky
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    Fast track is about pushing through the TPP, TTIP and future trade agreements that would massively increase the power of big international corporations and affect the daily lives of Americans.

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  • Author Jan Schakowsky
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    Reproductive health decisions should be made by a woman and her doctor. Any efforts to undermine women's reproductive rights must stop.

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