64 Quotes by Jana Oliver

  • Author Jana Oliver
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    He pulled her into a tight embrace. There was the sting of tears on her cheeks, but they weren't hers. He kissed the top of her head and murmured something. She didn't hear what he'd said, but that didn't matter. He was alive.Riley wanted to stay in his arms, but...

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  • Author Jana Oliver
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    The next kiss deepened, became more urgent, needy. There was no space between them, and she could feel he enjoyed their closeness. Riley heard him moan and they reluctantly broke apart.

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  • Author Jana Oliver
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    Ozymandias controls not only the dead, but the living. He works the dark magics, and it is said he knows the paths between the worlds and walks them without fear. He wields the-""Stop! In English, okay?"""In English?" she asked, throwing the empty wineglass into the picnic basket. Riley nodded."You're in serious shit.

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  • Author Jana Oliver
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    The end is near!" the man shouted again."Is there still time for hot chocolate?" Riley asked.The End Times Guy blinked. "Ah, maybe; I don't know.""Oh, good," she said. "I'd hate to take on Hell without fueling up.

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  • Author Jana Oliver
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    I’m not going to faint at the sight of your butt,’ she said. ‘Ya might, and I don’t want that on my conscience,’ he said, tossing the jeans aside.

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  • Author Jana Oliver
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    I’m home. Ya happy now?’ Beck’s gravelly voice demanded. ‘Yes, I am.’ ‘Yer’ treatin’ me like i’m some idiot kid,’ he complained. ‘Gee, I wonder where I learned that?’ He hung up on her.

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  • Author Jana Oliver
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    What did ya learn from this dumbass stunt?”Here's where she was supposed to apologize, promise to be a good little girl and never do anything like this again.Screw that.Riley locked eyes with him. “I learned that the Holy Water better be fresh, that I need practice throwing the spheres, and that someone has to watch my back so asshats don't steal my demons.

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  • Author Jana Oliver
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    I can't face losin' ya, Riley. Yer all I got left in this world.”That brutal honesty again. He'd peeled away more armor, and this time he'd exposed his heart.

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  • Author Jana Oliver
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    As Beck drove out of the garage, he gave the parking attendants a big toothy smile and a wave. “There's some snow on the fifth level. Thought ya might like to know. Y'all have a nice day, now!” he called out.No wonder Dad liked working with you.

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