64 Quotes by Jana Oliver

  • Author Jana Oliver
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    Beck must have seen how frightened she was because his expression softened. He leaned close, and whispered, “Do ya trust me, Riley?”Tears built in her eyes.“Yes,” she whispered, trembling in fear. Always.“Then it'll be all right,” he replied. Beck gently placed a kiss on her forehead.

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  • Author Jana Oliver
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    Were ya really tryin' to stab that demon in the ass?”Riley groaned. “No, I was aiming for its leg, and it moved. I looked like a total dork.”Not to me.

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  • Author Jana Oliver
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    Don't start,” he warned.“What?” she said, grinning. “I'm sure all the big, bad trappers have a bun-bun in their houses.

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  • Author Jana Oliver
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    Beck finished his call. Once he was paying attention again, she pointed downward with the pipe. Peering over the edge of the building, he blinked at the sight, then grinned.“Good job. Remind me not to piss ya off. Ya might think of usin' that on me sometime.”“So tempting,” she said. Except I'd aim for your knees. Your head's too hard.

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  • Author Jana Oliver
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    Do not get yourself arrested, you hear?” she urged. “I am not going to bail your butt out of jail, mister.”“Now who's goin' all old geezer, huh?” He snorted. “I'm gonna get drunk and pass out on my bed at home. Haven't done that for so long I can't remember.”“Probably a reason for that, Beck. You're killing brain cells, and you don't have that many to spare.

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  • Author Jana Oliver
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    I love you Denver Beck," she whispered. "I have for a long time." Then she stepped back. "Now it's your turn to decide if you love me.

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  • Author Jana Oliver
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    She knew what he had in mind.He'll propose in Scotland on my birthday.There was no doubt as to what her answer would be.

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  • Author Jana Oliver
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    The demon stopped its frantic attempts to escape. It stared at the glitter and began to pant, fingers twitching in anticipation. More twitching. Faster than she'd expected, it zoomed up to the sparkles, despite the danger. She snagged the fiend right before it picked up the last one, and dropped the Magpie into the cup. Instead of a flood of swear words or the offer of a favor, she heard a long, tortured sigh. Then it sat, sorting the glitter into piles by color.Now she'd seen everything.

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  • Author Jana Oliver
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    You could have let that thing flatten me, but you didn't. Why?”“I could ask you the same question.”She was too tired to edit her mouth. “You're my master. I couldn't let that thing kill another trapper, even if I think he's a total asshat.”Harper looked at her for a long time then cracked a toothy grin. “And you're one mouthy bitch, but you're my apprentice. I don't need the reputation that my people die because I don't protect them.”That was fair.

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