54 Quotes by Jane Wilson-Howarth
"Sunlight streamed through grumbling storm clouds that played like tiger kittens around the mountain ridges."
"Buddhist mantras are deliberately deep yet superficially meaningless - to take your mind off things"
"Seeing human suffering changes you. It either makes you compassionate or it makes you hard."
"a Nepali outlook, pace and philosophy had prevented us being swamped by our problems. In Nepal it was easier to take life day by day."
"when the press and problems of humanity become too much, I love to escape into books, where people are served up in digestible portions and can be pushed to one side when one is satiated."
"The river is such a tranquil place, a place to sit and think of romance and the beauty of nature, to enjoy the elegance of swans and the chance of a glimpse of a kingfisher."
"[the doctor] clicked by mistake on the notes of a patient she'd got to know well - too well. The unfortunate Mrs. Swayne had become unhealthily doctor-dependent. But had she grasped the nettle? Had she actually finally and against all predictions left the country?"