77 Quotes by Janny Wurts

"When hope dies, you breathe it back to life again! No matter how long it takes, or what time’s required to heal the wound. Disappointment will not last a lifetime unless you lie down and give in."


"I trust you,” she murmured through urgency. “Completely. Without end, and before the beginning."


"You are not mine to command. But the choice to kill always means closing the mind to the chance of a living alternative."


"There are many reasons to avoid taking risks. Friendship is not among them."


"Since you refused the good grace to die on delivery, Rathain has got a living prince."


"The wisest of sages have said that a man will choose violence out of fear.” The Master’s words were expressive, but cold, and directed toward the King. “Is your stature so mean that you dare not face me without fetters?"


"What is our experience, but the reflected truth of our misapprehensions and short-falls? And also the grace of our beauty and strength, and the wise choices that make up our character?"


"Yet contrary evidence supports a claim that the Master was unjustly aligned with evil. Fragments of manuscript survive which expose the entire religion of Light as fraud, and award Arithon the attributes of saint and mystic instead."


"Prudence, my prophet,’ the sorcerer rebuked. ‘The results of prophecies often resolve through strangely twisted circumstance.’ But if Asandir was yet aware that the promised talents were split between princes who were enemies with blood debts of seven generations, he said nothing."


"Does imagination or joy come with limits?"
