"The miracle left him dumbfounded, that his heart had not yet shirked its weary task of pumping his bored blood through his brain."
"You can’t let your past write the future."
"I pity the man who can’t cry."
"The same sages also wrote that violence is the habit of the weak, the impotent and the fool."
"You always did like to run things, never mind your crafty knack for making everyone believe that somebody else was in charge."
"But hope always kindles through striving."
"There is no terror so powerful as the one never faced."
"But a parcel of walled soil does not make the heart of a ruler or define the nobility of a people!"
"You know, that’s the trouble with drinking. Come the morning, you can never remember their names."
"Done without love, any congress between man and woman degrades the creative intelligence that graces your humanity."