98 Quotes by Jared Bernstein

  • Author Jared Bernstein
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    Of course there are jobs that few Americans will take because the wages and working conditions have been so degraded by employers. But there is nothing about landscaping, food processing, meat cutting or construction that would preclude someone from doing these jobs on the basis of their nativity. Nothing would keep anyone, immigrant or native born, from doing them if they paid better, if they had health care.

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  • Author Jared Bernstein
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    Maybe by the second quarter of next year, we'll be looking at some lower unemployment rate -- say in the 5 to 5.5 percent range, if we're lucky. But that would be the best to hope for, and it's based on our working through these excesses that persist.

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  • Author Jared Bernstein
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    I and others have been looking desperately for silver linings in this tragedy and if Katrina were to motivate Congress to look at this issue seriously, that would be great.

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  • Author Jared Bernstein
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    Given the growth of the population and labor force and improvements in productivity, we need to be adding somewhere in the neighborhood of 150,000 jobs per month to nudge unemployment down.

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  • Author Jared Bernstein
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    He talks about lending a helping hand to the poor and disadvantaged. But these policies push the other way, toward lower wages and less racial inclusion.

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  • Author Jared Bernstein
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    has primarily to do with the compensation the typical worker earns.

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  • Author Jared Bernstein
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    I think the fingerprints of a faltering job market are all over this report. We've got more people working, but they're failing to get ahead.

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  • Author Jared Bernstein
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    Lawmakers need to focus on stimulus, and this report is really a wake-up call in that regard.

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  • Author Jared Bernstein
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    Nationally we think it's impossible to say exactly when we've reached full employment. But it sounds like in Florida you're there.

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