54 Quotes by Jay Bell

"Ben wore the same goofy smile as in the photo. Take that, new guy! I can make him happy too!"


"You know that old saying about home being where the heart is? I don’t think that refers to your own. It’s the hearts of other people, the ones you love, that makes a home."


"I don't have any first times left... I hope that's OK."


"It's not any easier. We can't choose who we fall in love with. Besides, there's nothing abnormal about two guys being together. Nature made you the way you are and me the way I am. We're already living normal lives."


"People were clueless. Allthey ever went by was appearance and rumor."


"Love isn’t meant to be hidden away and life is too short for shame."


"There’s a coward and a fool, and both of them are you, My heart is cracked and broken, but yours is frozen through."


"Teach me how to fly, my beautiful butterfly."


"He was so handsome, so beautiful. Inside and out."


"Enséñame a volar, mi mariposa hermosa,’ Tim said suddenly. ‘It’s from a poem I— Well, it’s from a poem.’‘What’s it mean?’”Teach me how to fly, my beautiful butterfly.” - Tim Wyman"
