34 Quotes by Jean Ferris

"And they lived happily (aside from a few normal disagreements, misunderstandings, pouts, silent treatments, and unexpected calamities) ever after."


"Congratulations. You have met your conscience. In my experience, the world is divided between those who have one and those who don't. And the ones with one are divided into those who will act on their conscience and those who won't. Those who will are, I'm afraid, the smallest category. They will *jeito*. It's Brazilian Portuguese. It means to find a way to get something done, no matter what the obstacles."


"Secrets have a way of making themselves felt, even before you know there's a secret."


"She said, "As long as we're with each other--""We know we're in exactly the right place," he finished."


"Some just wanted to be on the side of the good cookies."


"Phoebe was thinking, Insubordinate. What a lovely word. And when was the last time she'd heard a nice-looking young man use it? Why-never, that's when. What a treat. And to have a ruler who could say conscientious and citizenry in the same sentence. Lovely."


"It was good, too, to remember how hard a lot of people had to work to keep a kingdom running well, and that it was simply good manners to let them know, from time to time, how valued they were."


"Knock, Knock.""Who's there?""Olive.""Olive who?""Olive...ooh. I love you, too," he said, figuring it out. "You can tell me that one anytime you like." He folded her into his arms."


"Carpe Diam forever after."


"I figured that when there’s no way of knowing what the future holds it’s just as easy to believe it’ll be good as to believe it’ll be bad."
