105 Quotes by Jean Webster

"She was worshiping under the blue sky, to the jubilant chanting of the birds."


"حين ينسجم شخصان، ويشعران بالسعادة حين يكونان معًا، ويحسان بالوحدة حين يفترقان، فليس عليهما السماح لشيءٍ في العالم بالوقوف بينهما"


"It isn't the big troubles in life that require character. Anybody can rise to a crisis and face a crushing tragedy with courage, but to meet the petty hazards of the day with a laugh - I really think that requires spirit.It's the kind of character that I am going to develop. I am going to pretend that all life is just a game which I must play as skillfully and fairly as I can. If I lose, I am going to shrug my shoulders and laugh - also if I win."


"Sözünü ettiğim şey büyük keyifler değil; önemli olan küçük şeylerden büyük mutluluklar çıkartmak - mutluluğun sırrını keşfettim Dede ve bu şimdiyi yaşamak. Geçmiş yüzünden asla pişmanlık duymamak, geleceğe ilişkin beklentiler içinde olmamak, bunların yerine şu anda yaşanılan andan olabildiğince çok şey çıkartmak."Bir Gençlik Masalı (Daddy-Long-Legs #1)"


"I believe absolutely in my own free will and my own power to accomplish - and that is the belief that moves mountains."


"Oh, I'm developing a beautiful character! It droops a bit under cold and frost, but it does grow fast when the sun shines.That's the way with everybody. I don't agree with the theory that adversity and sorrow and disappointment develop moral strength. The happy people are the ones who are bubbling over with kindliness."


"I've discovered the true secret of happiness, Daddy, and that is to live in the now. Not to be for ever regretting the past, or anticipating the future; but to get the most that you can out of this very instant...I'm going to enjoy every second, and I'm going to know I'm enjoying it while I'm enjoying it."


"Non sono le grandi disgrazie della vita che esigono forza di carattere da noi. Chiunque può fronteggiare una grave crisi e rimettersi in piedi con coraggio dopo una tragedia, ma per sopportare le piccole noie quotidiane con il sorriso sulle labbra, ecco, per quello penso che ci voglia molto coraggio e determinazione!"


"Her mother was a Rutherford. The family came over in the ark, and were connected by marriage with Henry the VIII. On her father's side they date back further than Adam. On the topmost branches of her family tree there's a superior breed of monkeys with very fine silky hair and extra long tails."


"I think that every one , no matter how many troubles the may have when he grows up, ought to have a happy childhood to look back upon. And if I ever have any children of my own, no matter how unhappy I may be, I am not going to let them have any cares until they grow up."
