841 Quotes by Jean-Paul Sartre
- Author Jean-Paul Sartre
I wanted the moments of my life to follow and order themselves like those of a life remembered.
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- Author Jean-Paul Sartre
Criminals together. We’re in hell, my little friend, and there’s never any mistake there. People are not damned for nothing.
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- Author Jean-Paul Sartre
In irony a man annihilates what he posits within one and the same act; he leads us to believe in order not to be believed; he affirms to deny and denies to affirm; he creatives a positive object but it has no being other than its nothingness.
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- Author Jean-Paul Sartre
Those who conceal from themselves this total freedom, under the guise of solemnity, or by making deterministic excuses, I will call cowards. Others, who try to prove their existence is necessary, when man’s appearance on earth is merely contingent, I will call bastards.
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- Author Jean-Paul Sartre
Don’t be afraid; I’ll keep looking at you for ever and ever, without a flutter of my eyelids, and you’ll live in my gaze like a mote in a sunbeam.
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- Author Jean-Paul Sartre
Either the USSR was not the country of socialism, in which case socialism didn’t exist anywhere and doubtless, wasn’t possible: or else, socialism was that, this abominable monster, this police state, the power of beasts of prey.
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- Author Jean-Paul Sartre
Il n’y a pas d’autre univers qu’un univers humain, l’univers de la subjectivite humaine. There is no other universe except the human universe, the universe of human subjectivity.
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- Author Jean-Paul Sartre
The Myth of Sisyphus, that it was not acceptable for the absurd person to commit suicide, but that to live, and live rebelliously, “with my revolt, my freedom, and my passion,” was the best way of both acknowledging and rejecting death.
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- Author Jean-Paul Sartre
Her smiles, her mimicries, all the words she uttered were addressed to herself through him.
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