32 Quotes by Jed McKenna
- Author Jed McKenna
The American dream of freedom and abundance is just a child’s rendering of true freedom and abundance, and serves only to convince people who haven’t gone anywhere that they’ve already arrived.
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- Author Jed McKenna
The fabric is rent. Whatever stories at whatever degree of belief these people use to shield themselves from reality have just been structurally destabilized. The stories may survive for weeks or months or years, but their demise is now assured and the time will come when each of these people gets what they came here for; a direct confrontation with reality.
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- Author Jed McKenna
It’s all contradictions. Whitman said, ‘Do I contradict myself? Very well then, I contradict myself. I am large, I contain multitudes.’ He.
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- Author Jed McKenna
The fundamental conflict in the spiritual quest is that ego desires spiritual enlightenment, but ego can never achieve spiritual enlightenment. Self cannot achieve no-self. That’s why anyone who wants to sell enlightenment must first reduce it to more manageable proportions; to something ego can achieve. Enlightenment Lite: Less demanding, feels great. Enlitenment.
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- Author Jed McKenna
The belief that something is wrong is the fire under the ass of humanity,” is how I explain it to Sarah.
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- Author Jed McKenna
Who we think we are can be stripped away forever,” I make a poof gesture, “just like that. Right now, well fed, unthreatened, we have the luxury of pretending the Donners and the Nazis and the gang-bangers are someone else, but they’re not. They’re us; a veil’s breadth away. There are no good guys and bad guys. People are people, all the same; only the circumstances change.
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- Author Jed McKenna
Try to take it one step at a time. Even looking two steps ahead can be very intimidating, know what I mean? Breathe more deeply, drink more water, meditate more often. Take it easy. You’re not struggling to climb from hell into heaven, you’re just having an in-the-body experience. It’s not evil, it’s just life, and when it’s over, you die; easy as falling off a log.
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- Author Jed McKenna
What do we know for sure? That’s the real question. That’s what the cogito is. That’s what solipsism is. This isn’t theory. This isn’t belief or faith. This is the basic fact of existence. It’s all about figuring out exactly what we know for certain as opposed to everything else. It’s truly amazing that something so glaringly obvious and irrefutable is so universally ignored by science and philosophy and religion.
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- Author Jed McKenna
Karma and hell and suffering aren’t things in their own right but disturbances in this flimsy substance of false self. The problem isn’t in the disturbing things but in the thing disturbed. The thing disturbed is the false thing and if it weren’t there, there’d be nothing to be disturbed. Nothing to get pierced or burned or dried out. Nothing to be wounded or slain.
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