388 Quotes by Jeff Bridges

  • Author Jeff Bridges
  • Quote

    I’ve worked with a lot of kids, and when you’re working with kids they have certain hours that they have to work.

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  • Author Jeff Bridges
  • Quote

    It’s like that perfection thing, trying to be that thing you’re not. You have to feel that discomfort and not try to get rid of it. Accept that aspect and get into it. Acknowledge those feelings and let them be. You are who you are.

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  • Author Jeff Bridges
  • Quote

    I’m at this time in life when I have to take the opportunities I have left.

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  • Author Jeff Bridges
  • Quote

    I’ve gone out of my way to not take baggage with me from film to film.

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  • Author Jeff Bridges
  • Quote

    I think there’s a real joy in going to see movies when you discover them yourself.

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  • Author Jeff Bridges
  • Quote

    The way to change the world is through individual responsibility and taking local action in your own community.

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  • Author Jeff Bridges
  • Quote

    Imperfection and perfection go so hand in hand, and our dark and our light are so intertwined, that by trying to push the darkness or the so-called negative aspects of our life to the side... we are preventing ourselves from the fullness of life.

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  • Author Jeff Bridges
  • Quote

    Making movies is about creating illusions, and they can be subtle illusions, but it's all a cumulative effect as you make these little tweaks. It kinda adds up to something, hopefully.

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  • Author Jeff Bridges
  • Quote

    My M.O. as far as choosing projects is I really try not to work. I try to not do the scripts that are offered me. I'm in this wonderful position to be able to do that.

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