153 Quotes by Jeff Cooper
- Author Jeff Cooper
According to Herodotus, the ancient Persians felt that what was necessary in the background of a young man entering adulthood was his ability to ride, shoot straight, and speak the truth. Perhaps we should now grant our college degrees to young men who measure up to that standard.
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- Author Jeff Cooper
An armed man, especially if he is armed with a firearm, is dangerous as long as he is conscious. Take no chances. Put him out.
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- Author Jeff Cooper
The criminal does not expect his prey to fight back. May he never choose you, but, if he does, surprise him.
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- Author Jeff Cooper
When under attack, it is necessary to evaluate the situation and to decide instantly upon a proper course of action, to be carried out immediately with all the force you can bring to bear. He who hesitates is indeed lost. Do not soliloquize. Do not delay. Be decisive.
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- Author Jeff Cooper
We learn that Comrade [President of South Africa Nelson] Mandela has announced in a speech that he hopes for a bright future in South Africa for ‘liberty’ and ‘equality.’ Anyone who has thought about it realizes that liberty and equality are antithetical concepts. You can have one, or you can have the other, but you certainly cannot have both. As to that, either concept is a rather futile goal. Equality is biologically impossible, and liberty is only obtainable in homogeneous populations very thinly spread.
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- Author Jeff Cooper
Any man who is a man may not, in honor, submit to threats or violence. But many men who are not cowards are simply unprepared for the fact of human savagery.
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- Author Jeff Cooper
Anyone who appears to be triggered out of watchfulness and into action by your appearance must be explained. Anyone observing you carefully must be explained. Anyone whose behavior seems to be geared to yours must be explained. If the explanation does not satisfy you, be ready to take appropriate defensive action.
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- Author Jeff Cooper
What you do to prevent further felonious assault, as long as the felon is still capable of action, is justified.
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- Author Jeff Cooper
It is high time for society to stop worrying about the criminal, and to let the criminal start worrying about society. And by "society" I mean you.
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