76 Quotes by Jeff Greenfield

"After immersing myself in the mysteries of the Electoral College for a novel I wrote in the ’90s, I came away believing that the case for scrapping it is less obvious than I originally thought."


"Conservatives may worship Adam Smith’s ‘invisible hand,’ but for Obama, the helping hand comes in large measure from the public, not the private sector. To call this ‘socialism’ is to do violence to the word and to the concept. To call it ‘un-American’ is a smear."


"Never attribute to malevolence that which can best be explained by incompetence.“ – Greenfield’s First Law of Political Analysis."


"Protestations of indifference to higher office are hard to take seriously when the ‘non-candidate’ is busily engaged in testing the waters."


"In another life, before taking the veil of journalistic purity, I practiced the black arts of a political operative, including ’debate prep."


"In another life, before taking the veil of journalistic purity, I practiced the black arts of a political operative, including 'debate prep.'"
