91 Quotes by Jeff Zentner
- Author Jeff Zentner
Have you noticed that if you switch the first letters of every country singer's first and last name, you end up with an amazing Star Wars name?
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- Author Jeff Zentner
Stick to the key of C, dude. No sharps or flats. More forgiving.
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- Author Jeff Zentner
I’m glad things end, though. It forces you to love them ferociously while you have them. There’s nothing worth having that doesn’t die.
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- Author Jeff Zentner
Night descends as a falling blanket. The city is a constellation of lights, each one representing a hand that turned the lightbulb. A hand attached to a mind containing a universe of memories and myths; a natural history of loves and wounds.Life everywhere. Pulsing, humming. A great wheel turning. A light blinks out here, one replaces it there. Always dying. Always living. We survive until we don’t. All of this ending and beginning is the only thing that is infinite.
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- Author Jeff Zentner
Her voice was soft, but not like a pillow. Like a pile of fine metal shavings or powdered glass.
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- Author Jeff Zentner
What you call pride, I call courage.
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- Author Jeff Zentner
She laughs. A clean, bright, and silver sound, like wind chimes.
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- Author Jeff Zentner
No entanto, os sonhos têm seu próprio universo. Eles existem dentro de você, e você é o Deus desse universo, por isso ninguém pode dizer para você o que eles significam. Você precisa descobrir sozinho, isso se os sonhos significam alguma coisa, o que não acho que seja sempre verdade.
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- Author Jeff Zentner
The universe - fate - is cruel and random. Things happen for many reasons. Things happen for no reason. To shoulder the burden of the universe's caprice is too much for anyone. And it's not fair to you.
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