163 Quotes by Jeffrey Archer

  • Author Jeffrey Archer
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    The Japanese always arrive bearing a gift,’ whispered Anna, ’but under no circumstances should you open it in their presence.

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  • Author Jeffrey Archer
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    Sir Alan Redmayne believed in the rule of law. It was, after all, the basis of any democracy. Whenever asked, Sir Alan agreed with Churchill that, as a form of government, democracy had its disadvantages, but, on balance, it remained the best on offer. But given a free hand, he would have opted for a benevolent dictatorship. The problem was that dictators, by their very nature, were not benevolent. It simply didn’t fit their job description.

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  • Author Jeffrey Archer
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    But I have discovered with advancing years that few things are entirely black or white, but more often different shades of gray. I can best sum it up, my lord, by saying that it was an honor to have served Sir Nicholas Moncrieff and it has been a privilege to work with Mr. Cartwright. They are both oaks, even if they were planted in different forests. But then, m’lord, we all suffer in our different ways from being prisoners of birth.

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  • Author Jeffrey Archer
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    Only Sebastian really knew what she was going through. Her demons, as she called them. Jessica never stopped chattering whenever they were on their own, but the moment she became the centre of attention, like a tortoise she slipped back into her shell, hoping no one would notice her.

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  • Author Jeffrey Archer
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    But he knew that on the day of a general election, every candidate is convinced he is going to win, even the Liberals. Giles.

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  • Author Jeffrey Archer
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    You are so silly sometimes, Jess. I fell in love with you, and I don’t give a damn who your.

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