128 Quotes by Jen Calonita

"UGH. Boys. They're like French class--no matter how much I study, I'll never be fluent in the language."


"You back up princess. This isn't a job for you.It is if you keep screwing up! I pull the sword out of his hand."


"Olivina is very old school when it comes to traditions, so you leading the rescue was a bit much for her, but personally I thought what you did was very valiant."


"Devin, stay back! I've got this!" Heath says as he struggles to break free.I wave the pearl necklace higher. "It's a nice, sparkly necklace," I say. "So which do you want? Shiny jewelry or a smelly prince?"The harpy drops Heath to the floor and grabs the jewelry. Heath looks up at me in surprise."You're welcome," I say..."


"But if Red had followed convention, she wouldn't be where she's is today. Not only did Red stop the Wolf, but she also grew stronger and more powerful than anyone could imagine. Today, she is one of the most sought after huntresses in the Hollow Woods."


"Even though it was hard, she overcame her adversity and used it to help others empower themselves. And if that's not a lesson we can apply to life, I'm not sure what is."


"And above all else, remember that the end of a movie (or a TV show, or a play, or a book) is never really the end."


"I know now that love means showing up for one another and trusting that the other person always has your back. It means asking for help sometimes, and not thinking that means you look weak. Love means opening your heart to another, no matter the consequences."


"She played with one of her braids. Three years feels so far away."Hey." Kristoff moved closer. "Your hair.""Oh." She was used to this question. "The white stripe? I was born with it," she explained. "That's what my parents were told. They actually adopted me when I was a baby. I dreamt that I was kissed by a troll."Kristoff's eyes widened. "Did you say 'troll'?" He hurried after her to hear more."


"Not everyone you meet is going to like you, and that's okay."
