128 Quotes by Jen Calonita

"She couldn't help noticing the way his shaggy blond hair fell in front of his brown eyes. The two of them stared at each other for a moment. Then they both looked away. "I'll pay you in cookies if you want," she offered. "I make the best ones in the village."The reindeer started to prance."You make the only ones in the village," the young man deadpanned."How would you know?" Anna replied. "Did you ask about me?"He pulled his wool cap down on his head. "No. Maybe."She flushed."


"I jump up from a sound sleep to Milo's voice. POP! POP!POP! Suddenly confetti rains down on the room, fluttering around and getting stuck in my surprised, open mouth."


"If I don't return, make sure Hercules moves on from all of this," Meg said."Meg..." Phil swallowed hard.It was the first time he'd called her by her actual name.She tried to put her spinning thoughts into words. "I don't want him wasting his immortality on me. He's a good guy who gives so much of himself. He deserves to have someone do that for him in return. Got it?"Phil looked at her. "Wow, you really do love the guy, don't you?"


"I lock eyes with Sasha and know, somehow, that she's thinking the same thing I am; This doesn't feel like an illusion. This feels real."


"Actually, beauty secrets of fairy godmother would make a good post"


"Fairy be, what have have I gotten myself into?"


"Yeah, well, love is a fickle thing, isn't it? One minute you have it, the next it's gone... or someone is trying to say you can't be together because you live in different zip codes."


"Your cat ate my unicorn's breakfast."


"He's in his circle, and I'm in mine, and we just go around and around."


"I work too hard and I love it too much."
