168 Quotes by Jen Lancaster

  • Author Jen Lancaster
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    While I’m happy for everyone who wants a family, I look at the notion of having kids the same way I look at people who get tattoos on their faces, like, “Hoo-boy, that’s permanent.

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  • Author Jen Lancaster
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    Seriously, our nation is never going to be on the same page on issues like gun control, welfare, the economy, the environment, etc. I doubt we’ll ever come to terms on tastes great or less filling and hybrids versus Hummers, and there will always be Yankees fans and Red Sox fans, and never the ’twain shall meet. Fortunately, all it takes for us to be of one mind is some buttercream frosting.

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  • Author Jen Lancaster
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    Or how about when a person publishes something along the lines of, “This has been the worst day EVAH,” but then gets all closed-lipped about why it’s been so bad. This is attention-seeking at its worst.

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  • Author Jen Lancaster
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    That which went wrong, and that which went right, would have been made easier if I were more focused on my goals.

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  • Author Jen Lancaster
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    Everyone who reads me is someone I’d like to hang out with.

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  • Author Jen Lancaster
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    I think people tend to be very myopic and they don't understand how their actions impact others.

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