77 Quotes by Jenny Colgan

"There was a universe inside every human being every bit as big as the universe outside them. Books were the best way Nina knew - apart from, sometimes, music - to breach the barrier, to connect the internal universe with the external, the words acting merely as a conduit between the two worlds."


"Anything that spreads books and brings about more books, I would say it is good. Good medicine, not bad."


"She is resisting the Internet idea...because she doesn't want to one day tell her children that she posted an ad on the Internet, interviewed twenty-five hopeful candidates, and finally their father turned up and looked good in comparison with the rest of them. It just doesn't seem right."


"Multiply all ingredients by four to get too many cupcakes."


". . . when people dedicate their lives to one thing that they really, really love and learn a lot about, amazing things can happen."


"They were probably reading on their tablets,” said Nina loyally. She loved her e-reader, too. “Yes, I know,” said the man. “But I couldn’t see. I couldn’t see what they were reading or ask them if it was good, or make a mental note to look for it later. It was as if suddenly, one day, all the books simply disappeared."


"I think love is caramel. Sweet and fragant; always welcome. It is the gentle golden colour of a setting harvest sun; the warmth of a squeezed embrace; the easy melting of two souls into one and a taste that lingers even when everything else has melted away. Once tasted it is never forgotten."


"Be silent, hide away and let your thoughts and longings rise and set in the deep places of your heart. Let dreams move silently as stars, in wonder more than you can tell. Let them fulfill you – and be still."


"Baby steps – one at a time. One day at a time, one breath at a time. That’s the only way anyone gets through anything, okay?"


"I could do with a bit of piece and quiet."
