77 Quotes by Jenny Colgan

"He had to take his life as he had had to take it for the last five years: to have no expectations as to what each day would bring. In fact, to expect nothing. To grab joy if he could. To hold fast. To try never to be surprised."


"We’d even devised the Buffy scale of life relationships: you start off wanting Xander, spend your twenties going out with Spike and setttle down with giles."


"She led him up through the now silent garden of the hotel, its fairy lights sparkling among the trees, the revellers inside, or gone home to bed. The early roses gave out their spring scent along with the perfume of bluebells in the deeper grass. And she led him to the sturdy tree trunk, both of them under a spell, a cloud of summer nights and dancing and laughter and music."


"Because every day with a book is slightly better than one without, and I wish you nothing but the happiest of days."


"Just do something. You might make a mistake, then you can fix it. But if you do nothing, you can’t fix anything. And your life might turn out full of regrets."


"Some people buried their fears in food, she knew, and some in booze, and some in planning elaborate engagements and weddings and other life events that took up every spare moment of their time in case unpleasant thoughts intruded. But for Nina, whenever reality, or the grimmer side of reality, threatened to invade, she always turned to a book."


"Some’ll rob you blind, some’ll kick you when you’re down, but you spread some good feeling and some warmth about, and people like that. Aye."


"Well?” “He’s a very handsome man,” said Lorna. “You’ll have to keep him out of Inge-Britt’s clutches.” “She smells of bacon,” said Flora petulantly. “Oh yeah, men hate that,” said Lorna."


"Because life is like that, isn’t it? If you thought of all the tiny things that divert your path one way or another, some good, some bad, you’d never do anything ever again."


"However, these days everyone holds their stupid smartphone in front of them the entire time in case somebody likes a dog picture on Facebook and they miss it by two seconds..."
