752 Quotes by Jenny Han

  • Author Jenny Han
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    En la universidad, cuando las personas nos pregunten cómo nos conocimos, ¿Cómo les responderemos? La historia es: Crecimos juntos. Pero esa era más la historia con Josh. ¿Novios de preparatoria? Esa era la historia de Gen y Peter. Así que la nuestra ¿Cuál era?Supongo que diré que todo comenzó con una carta de amor.

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  • Author Jenny Han
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    Lara Jean es una adolescente que vive con sus dos hermanas y su padre tranquilamente, pero todo se pone fuera de control cuando alguien envía las cartas que ella había escrito a cada chico del que se había enamorado y en las que ella dice todo lo que piensa.

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  • Author Jenny Han
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    But you never said anything! Not one frigging word, Lara Jean!”Automatically I say, “Don’t say ‘frig.’ ”“Not one frigging word,” Kitty repeats with a shake of her head.Peter cracks up, and I give him a dirty look. “It all happened really fast,” he offers. “There was barely time to tell anybody—”“Was I talking to you?” Kitty snaps. “No, I don’t think so. I was talking to my sister.”Peter’s eyes widen, and I can see him trying to keep a straight face.

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  • Author Jenny Han
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    People come in and out of your life. For a time they're your world; they are everything. There's no telling how long you will have them near...It's the good-byes that are hard.

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  • Author Jenny Han
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    Susannah continued. "If and when I go off slow dancing in the ever after, I don't want to look like I've been stuck in a hospital room my whole life. I at least want to be tan.

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  • Author Jenny Han
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    Reevie . . . I feel wasted.” Her head sways from side to side, her hair hanging in her face. “Will you please take me home?”I peer at her. She’s had, like, two beers. I’ve seen her finish a six-pack in under an hour and not get tipsy.

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  • Author Jenny Han
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    People come in and out of your life. For a time they are your world; they are everything. And then one day they're not. There's no telling how long you will have them near. A year ago I could not have imagined that Josh would no longer be a constant for me. I couldn't have conceived of how hard it would be to not see Margot every day, how lost I would feel without her- or how easily Josh could slip away, without me even realizing. It's the good-byes that are hard.

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