249 Quotes by Jerome Bettis
"I'd be lying to you if I said it was complete. Having an opportunity to play in this game takes me one step closer to it being complete."
"He said, 'It's not over yet. We've got another opportunity and it's up to us to make it right."
"After Ben got hurt, I told Charlie, 'When you give me the ball, look it all the way into my body,' ... 'Just look it into me. I'll do the rest.'"
"I was fortunate enough to win a Super Bowl before retiring, and in fact I retired immediately after winning the Super Bowl. I went out on top, and intend to come out of the Guinness Pro Challenge on top, too."
"But it's going to be a tough game at Denver. We're not looking at Detroit, we're looking at Denver."
"But that's nothing new. We're going to be a running team whether it's Ben or Tommy or Charlie at quarterback. And we'll still throw the football, too."
"Detroit, you were incredible. Pittsburgh, here we come. I played this game to win a championship. I'm a champion. I think The Bus ... his last stop is here, in Detroit."
"I?m a realist in a sense that I do understand there is a good chance it is my last game."