60 Quotes by Jessica Day George

  • Author Jessica Day George
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    Why should anyone be rewarded for defeating a dragon by being saddled with a dowryless, freckled wife and well over a dozen daft and impoverished in-laws? No.

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  • Author Jessica Day George
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    The queen always smelled like strawberries, and everyone said that she was as beautiful at forty as she had been when the king had married her. Tall and slender and stately, with her long dark hair pinned up with gold combs, she wore a travel dress of soft green that set off her eyes.

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  • Author Jessica Day George
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    Oh, my queen, you are being the most very!” King Kurlath laughed. “But” – he held u p a cautionary finger – “she is also saying a truth. Even still do the insides of me go to and fro, as they went to and fro this yesterday at the river!” He shook his head. “Were they to go to and fro at this harbor, there would soon be to, and never fro!

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  • Author Jessica Day George
  • Quote

    Uncle Bran lied,” she told the griffin in a stage whisper. “But it’s all right, because you’re such a good boy!

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  • Author Jessica Day George
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    The Castle would never let anything bad happen to you. You could jump out one of these windows and the Castle would probably conjure up a hundred feather beds to break your fall.” “Don’t test that!

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  • Author Jessica Day George
  • Quote

    Aye. There’s time enough between battles to knit a dozen scarves and a hundred stockings, as well I know.” He gave a little bark of laughter. “I thought soldiers spent their idle time dicing and wenching.” She gave a surprisingly girlish giggle.

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