37 Quotes by Jessica Francis Kane

  • Author Jessica Francis Kane
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    Is it real? I once asked Amber. What? she said. Your life! The things that happen to you. Is it real or are you just really good at making it all into stories? She said, I don’t understand the difference.

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  • Author Jessica Francis Kane
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    We live in a time when everyone gets a medal and all villains have heartbreaking backstories. No one thinks evil is intrinsic anymore, just someone making a really bad choice.

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  • Author Jessica Francis Kane
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    Midway through my fortieth year, I reached a point where the balance of the past and all it contained seemed to outweigh the future, my mind so full of things said and not said, done and undone, I no longer understood how to move forward. I was tipped backward and wobbly, my balance was off, and this made sense to me. A life seemed so long, I couldn’t see how anyone proceeded under the accumulated weight of it.

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  • Author Jessica Francis Kane
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    It seems the trees’ plight is to always be underappreciated by humans while working the hardest of any plant on earth for them. We cut them down, we poison them, we introduce disease and destructive pests. But we also plant them when someone is born, we plant them when someone dies. We want them to measure and commemorate our lives, even as the way we live hurts them.

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  • Author Jessica Francis Kane
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    She was very opinionated, but everyone seemed to agree that the opinions were well informed, insightful, and usually for the benefit of someone else’s problem.

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  • Author Jessica Francis Kane
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    My grandfather... The last thing he said to my mother was “Your mother loves you”... Years later it occurred to me that when someone says what my grandfather did, what they mean, what would be far more accurate, is “She is trying to love you as best she can.” This might be okay with you, or it might now be what you need at all... and now I am forty years old... I don’t have a daughter and I don’t know if I ever will. But if I do, we will not carry this sadness forward. I’m tired of holding it.

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  • Author Jessica Francis Kane
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    Sometime in her forties, my mother stopped moving forward. Somehow when we weren’t looking, she must have curtsied, performed a little shuffle sidestep, and exited stage right. In retrospect, she’d been rehearsing for some time. She went up to bed often without saying good night, or stayed home from family outings with ambiguous symptoms.

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  • Author Jessica Francis Kane
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    I told her avarice, envy, pride, lust, and wrath harm others, and gluttony is bad for your health. But sloth is just a willingness to move slower than others and that’s not a crime. I’ve always thought despair should be the seventh deadly sin instead.

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