262 Quotes by Jessica Valenti

  • Author Jessica Valenti
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    I’m really aware of how feminism and feminist rhetoric has been appropriated by the right.

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  • Author Jessica Valenti
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    Still, somehow, inexplicably, “man-hater” is a word tossed around with insouciance as if this was a real thing that did harm. Meanwhile we have no real word for men who kill women. Is the word just “men”?

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  • Author Jessica Valenti
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    Social expectations about what constitutes a good or a bad mother haunt every decision, and the rise of the parental advice industry ensures that moms and dads feel inadequate at every turn.

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  • Author Jessica Valenti
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    I think that we’re our own worst enemies in a lot of ways, especially when it comes to doing work where you’re criticized a lot or doing work where there’s a lot of hater directed at you; and to not constantly second-guess yourself.

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  • Author Jessica Valenti
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    That public spaces are not really public for you, but a series of surprise private moments that you can’t prevent or erase. And so you put your headphones on and look straight ahead and don’t smile even when they tell you to and just keep walking.

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  • Author Jessica Valenti
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    I think feminism is taking off. It’s just not visible in the way that we would like it to be.

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  • Author Jessica Valenti
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    I am tired of faking confidence or being told that my lack thereof is a fault when it seems to me the most natural reaction I could possibly have to the lifelong feedback women are given. I don’t want to be confident or inspirational and I don’t really want to buck up anymore because the faking takes more energy sometimes than the work itself.

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  • Author Jessica Valenti
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    I’ve thought often about why – why?! – anyone, especially other women, would try to disrupt feminist work that combats violence. What in the world could be the point of that? The only reason I’ve come up with, and I think it makes sense, is fear of becoming that “impure” woman.

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  • Author Jessica Valenti
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    While falling in love is fun, it’s not everything, and it’s not the antidote to an unfulfilled life, despite what Reese Witherspoon movies may tell you.

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