85 Quotes by Jillian Dodd

  • Author Jillian Dodd
  • Quote

    Wow,” I whisper. Hello, beautifully gorgeous ring that needs to be on my finger.

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  • Author Jillian Dodd
  • Quote

    Daddy,” Ava says seriously, “it’s been two years since Mama died. Uncle Cam says if you don’t use it – it will fall off and die. I’m pretty sure he was talking about your heart. Everyone needs someone to love.

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  • Author Jillian Dodd
  • Quote

    So you’re going shopping with your ex-boyfriend to find an outfit to snare your next boyfriend? Oh, what a tangled web you weave.

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  • Author Jillian Dodd
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    I’ve been here for you all along. I’ve listened to you cry about other guys, I rescue you, take care of you when you’re sick, hug you when you’re sad, tell you you’re beautiful when you look terrible.” He looks me straight in the eyes and is dead serious when he says, “Princess, I’ve always been the one.

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  • Author Jillian Dodd
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    Princess, there’s no one I’d rather hang out with more than you. You know that.

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  • Author Jillian Dodd
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    I’m really going to start watching my language for her.

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  • Author Jillian Dodd
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    You sound like you’re still in bed.” “I am. You done with detention?” “Yes. How would you like some breakfast in bed?” “I just want you in my bed, but food would be nice too.

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  • Author Jillian Dodd
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    Come on, don’t pretend like you don’t want Aiden to do that to you. You two have so much chemistry if you don’t do it pretty soon you may combust and kill us all.” That makes me laugh. “Maybe, but if she’s really your future wife, you should wait a little. I mean, what would you tell your kids?” “I’d tell them Mom’s ass looked so good in her bikini I couldn’t help myself. My sons will understand.

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  • Author Jillian Dodd
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    That’s what it’s like with Aiden. When he kisses me, I feel like I can see our future. It’s like he has the power to send me mental messages with his mouth. His mouth. The source of all his power.

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