226 Quotes by Jo Brand

  • Author Jo Brand
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    I’m a real Kentish maid, you know.

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  • Author Jo Brand
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    I think there’s a danger that we’re moving towards a state where the people we are expected to admire are almost not human anymore, and I don’t like that. I prefer it when someone looks like a nice person, and you think, ‘I could have a laugh with them in the pub.’

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  • Author Jo Brand
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    Everything becomes magnified at night. Sounds travel in a different way, it’s dark, and everything seems far more spooky.

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  • Author Jo Brand
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    There are problems with nursing – such as the issue of nurses all having to do degrees these days. But that doesn’t mean to say the entire infrastructure of nursing is falling about and that it is populated by unfeeling psychopaths, which is, frankly, the implication sometimes.

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  • Author Jo Brand
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    When I got married, the Sun ran the headline: ‘Here comes the bride, all fat and wide.’ Luckily, it was a few days after the wedding – but it was still hideous to read at a great romantic moment.

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  • Author Jo Brand
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    I used to do bell ringing in Benenden church. It was really good fun, actually. My best friend’s dad was the local vicar, and so it was expected as her best friend that I would go to church every Sunday with her.

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  • Author Jo Brand
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    I tend to think the world is a bit of a miserable place, so anyone who can add to people’s optimistic, cheerful side is doing a good job, which is what I hope I’m doing.

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  • Author Jo Brand
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    I made a supreme effort not to do that thing that parents do, which is to bore people without children to death by going on and on about how funny their children are, so there’s none of that hopefully.

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  • Author Jo Brand
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    My personal opinion is that you can’t be racist towards white people. You can be prejudiced about them, but being prejudiced isn’t an illegal act, whereas being racist can be.

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