174 Quotes by Jo Nesbø

  • Author Jo Nesbø
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    When I propose a candidate for a job I don't do it because the person in question is the best but because he is the one the client will employ. I provide them with a head that is good enough, placed on a body they want. [...] The world is full of people who pay serious money for bad pictures by good artists. And mediocre heads on tall bodies.

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  • Author Jo Nesbø
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    Harry didn't know what to think. Was Evans White as tough as he was trying to make out, or was he suffering from deficient mental faculties? Or an inadequately developed soul, a typically Norwegian concept? Harry wondered. Did courts anywhere else in the world judge the quality of a soul?

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  • Author Jo Nesbø
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    Lavonas atrodydavo kaip tuščias vabzdžio kiautas voratinklyje - esybė būdavo išnykusi, šviesa išnykusi, nelikę to iliuzinio švytėjimo, kurį skleidžia kadai užgesusios žvaigždės. Kūnas būdavo netekęs sielos. Ir būtent sielos nebuvimas įkvėpė Harį tikėti.

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  • Author Jo Nesbø
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    Žinoma, mes pamišę, Hari. Pamišę ir sveikiausi pasaulyje. Nes kai žmonės sako, kad tai, ką padariau, yra beprotybė, kad mano širdis išsigimusi, aš klausiu: kuri širdis labiau išsigimusi - ta, kuri negali liautis mylėjusi, ar ta, kuri yra mylima, bet negali atsakyti į meilę?

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  • Author Jo Nesbø
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    Can you feel it? The vibration? It’s the energy from everyone around us. It’s in the air. If you’re dying and you think no one can save you, just go out and stretch your arms into the air and absorb some of the energy. You can have eternal life. It’s true!- Runa Molnes

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  • Author Jo Nesbø
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    Incidentally, I really agree with those who say that the capacity to forgive says something about the essential quality of a person. I'm the lowest grade.''I didn't mean to criticize you.''I promise to be better in my next life...

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