172 Quotes by Jo Walton

"It’s lovely when writers I like like each other."


"the knowledge that change can be frightening, that responsibility can, but that the answer to that is not refusing to change or to accept responsibility."


"And it was the landscape that formed us, that made us who we were as we grew in it, that affected everything."


"I like her. She's restful."


"Interlibrary loans are a wonder of the world and a glory of civilization. Libraries really are wonderful. They’re better than bookshops, even. I mean bookshops make a profit on selling you books, but libraries just sit there lending you books quietly out of the goodness of their hearts."


"Libraries really are wonderful. They're better than bookshops, even. I mean bookshops make a profit on selling you books, but libraries just sit there lending you books quietly out of the goodness of their hearts."


"It's wrong for libraries to have limited budgets."


"Interlibrary loans are a wonder of the world and a glory of civilization."


"They could take the money from building enough nukes to kill all the Russians in the world and give it to libraries. What good does an independent nuclear deterrent do Britain, compared to the good of libraries?"


"You are making Socrates's mistake of assuming the gods are good."
