172 Quotes by Jo Walton
"I didn't laugh, but it was a near thing. It's hard when someone is just exactly like a parody."
"The Republic isn't as much fun as The Symposium. It's all long speeches, and nobody bursting in drunk to woo Socrates in the middle."
"Marx is like Plato, he has dreams that can't come true as long as people are people."
"She turned into a tree. It was a Mystery. It must have been. Nothing else made sense, because I didn't understand it."
"You don’t want anything from them except for them to exist and you to see them sometimes and talk to them, and maybe for them to like you back."
"I nearly fell asleep over Dickens in English. Mind you, he's snoozeworthy at the best of times."
"books as objects are not what books are, it's not what's important about them"
"Left to themselves, people remake their origin stories every few generations to suit present circumstances."