17 Quotes by Joan Borysenko

  • Author Joan Borysenko
  • Quote

    Real patience requires a gentle willingness to let life unfold at its own pace. This willingness, in turn, requires mindfulness.

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  • Author Joan Borysenko
  • Quote

    A lot of energy is used up in the name of this false patience.

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  • Author Joan Borysenko
  • Quote

    Lifeforce energy is distributed through the body by seven chakras or energy transformers.

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  • Author Joan Borysenko
  • Quote

    For this is the vision that unites all seven paths and creates the rainbow bridge to a new earth and a new heaven.

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  • Author Joan Borysenko
  • Quote

    Patience is peace. Learning to be patient is a continual practice that takes years to ripen. Let it unfold, day by day, and be gentle with yourself in the learning.

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  • Author Joan Borysenko
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    What a paradox that is. The things you dislike the most succeed in taking up the majority of your mental time.

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  • Author Joan Borysenko
  • Quote

    There is a nearly unerring, unconscious radar that zeros in on relationships that repeat our childhood experiences.

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