159 Quotes by Jody Hedlund

  • Author Jody Hedlund
  • Quote

    Where would the wrongdoing stop if everyone acted out whatever moral code felt right in the moment?

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  • Author Jody Hedlund
  • Quote

    If Bennet could accept me, then surely it was past time to fully accept myself for the way I was. I couldn’t change it. Couldn’t hide it. Couldn’t deny it. I was unique and beautiful in my own way. I had to learn to love myself unconditionally, just the way that Bennet had begun to love me.

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  • Author Jody Hedlund
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    Maybe that’s why God had placed the angel at the Garden of Eden – to keep people away from the Tree of Life? Not to prevent them from having something good, but to protect them from something that had the potential to ultimately destroy the world?

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  • Author Jody Hedlund
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    I don’t know what my pathetic life is going to look like now, but I nee you to help me survive.

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  • Author Jody Hedlund
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    Maybe if God did a better job of protecting those he loved, then he wouldn’t need to try to be God.

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  • Author Jody Hedlund
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    How could he walk away from the opportunity to buy a herd of cattle and finally make something worthwhile of his life? And yet, how could he possibly marry a complete stranger?

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  • Author Jody Hedlund
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    But then, love wouldn’t mean as much if one could gain it without any cost whatsoever.

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  • Author Jody Hedlund
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    Though her hair was damp and unkempt, face smudged and weary, her garments soggy and splattered with all manner of filth, for a reason he couldn’t explain, she had grown more beautiful and not less.

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  • Author Jody Hedlund
  • Quote

    I held myself still, hardly daring to breathe. What was happening to me? Now that I was dressed as a woman, was I beginning to feel like one too? Perhaps I’d acted the part of a man for so long that I’d forgotten what it was like to even be a woman.

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