138 Quotes by Joe R. Lansdale

  • Author Joe R. Lansdale
  • Quote

    I wrote for television some, animation. Batman the Animated Series, Superman the Animated Series, Son of Batman, things of that nature were made and I’m happy about that, but now the recent film and TV stuff have validated me, as if that makes any sense.

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  • Author Joe R. Lansdale
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    I love Crews, but had been writing a long time before I knew of him. I learned of him because a friend thought we were similar. The reason we are is we were both heavily influenced by Flannery O’Conner. She was wonderful.

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  • Author Joe R. Lansdale
  • Quote

    Enjoy it if you do, but don’t tell me how to live or teach it in school, or not allow a woman the right to choose, and so on. Yeah, all of that slips into my work. I even got a death threat the other day for not being pro gun, which just proves my point. They can kiss my ass.

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  • Author Joe R. Lansdale
  • Quote

    I had no idea Savage Season was the beginning of a series. I wrote the second one about three years later. The character of Hap wouldn’t stop talking to me, and then there was a third, and over the years nine novels and a collection of stories and some uncollected stories.

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  • Author Joe R. Lansdale
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    I would have fought in WW2, so I wasn’t a pacifist in the broader sense. I prefer to be a pacifist, but I think there are exceptions and times to defend yourself or your country, but that war wasn’t one of them.

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  • Author Joe R. Lansdale
  • Quote

    I thanked him and he asked me if my cape got caught on stuff when I was running and jumping, and I said, “Sometimes.

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  • Author Joe R. Lansdale
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    I have finally become my own genre, and now that’s what publishers want. I have a wonderful publisher now, Mulholland, very innovated, very fine people working there.

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  • Author Joe R. Lansdale
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    No system is better than another, but some are better for certain people. The person makes a system worthwhile, not the other way around. I blended a lot of systems I had studied over the years, Judo, wrestling, boxing, Hapkido, Kenpo, Thai Boxing, American Kickboxing, Jujitsu, Aikido.

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  • Author Joe R. Lansdale
  • Quote

    Everything is humorous,” said Shorty, “except your own death. But other people will laugh.

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