100 Quotes by Johann Hari

  • Author Johann Hari
  • Quote

    In the years since heroin was decriminalized in Portugal, its use has been halved there – while in the United States, where the drug war continues, it has doubled.28.

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  • Author Johann Hari
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    Harry Anslinger is our own darkest impulses, given a government department and a license to kill.

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  • Author Johann Hari
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    They found that 13 percent of people say they are “engaged“ in their jobs – which means they are “enthusiastic about, and committed to their work and contribute to their organization in a positive manner.

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  • Author Johann Hari
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    The United States now imprisons more people16 for drug offenses than Western European nations imprison for all crimes combined. No human society has ever before imprisoned this high a proportion of its population.

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  • Author Johann Hari
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    The vitally important corollary is that evolution shaped us not only to feel bad in isolation, but to feel insecure.” It’s a beautiful theory.

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  • Author Johann Hari
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    If I have too much luggage, too much property, too many material goods, that makes me worry I have to defend this stuff – then in that case I will not have time left to take care of the things I really love, and then I lose my freedom.

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  • Author Johann Hari
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    When Billie Holiday came15 to London in the 1950s, she was amazed. They “are civilized about it and they have no narcotics problem at all,” she explained. “One day America is going to smarten up and do the.

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  • Author Johann Hari
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    We are living, she has come to believe, in a culture where people are not “getting the connections that they need in order to be healthy human beings,” and that is why we can’t put down our smartphones, or bear to log off. We tell ourselves that we live so much of our lives in cyberspace because when we are there, we are connected – we are plugged into a swirling party with billions of people.

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  • Author Johann Hari
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    I’ve pursued happiness for myself my whole life, and I’m exhausted, and I don’t feel any closer to it – because where does it end? The bar just keeps getting moved.

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