13 Quotes by John Angell James

  • Author John Angell James
  • Quote

    Fond mother, you that will never correct a child, hear the charge, and let it thrill through your heart, exciting emotions of horror, you are a hater of your child; your foolish love is infanticide; your cruel embraces are hugging your child to death. In not correcting him, you are committing sin of the heaviest kind, and your own wickedness, in not correcting him, will at last punish yourself.

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  • Author John Angell James
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    Ah, cruel parents indeed, who neglect the religious education of their children; more cruel in some respects than Herod; he slew the bodies of children, these murder souls; he murdered the children of others, these murder their own; he employed the agency of his servants, these do the work of slaughter themselves.

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  • Author John Angell James
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    Afflictions tend to wean us from the world – and to fix our affections on things above.

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  • Author John Angell James
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    A good Christian cannot be a bad husband or father and, as this is equally true in everything, he who has the most piety will shine the most in all the relationships of life.

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  • Author John Angell James
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    All who wait upon the Lord shall rise higher and higher upon the mighty pinions of strong devotion, and with the unblinking eye of faith, into the regions of heavenly-mindedness, and shall approach nearer and nearer to God, the Sun of our spiritual day.

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  • Author John Angell James
  • Quote

    We are not saved by nations or by churches or by families, but as individuals, through a personal interest in a personal Saviour.

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  • Author John Angell James
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    The inquirer after holiness should associate with those whose intelligence will instruct him; whose example will guide him; whose conversation will inspire him; whose cautions will warn him.

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  • Author John Angell James
  • Quote

    Holiness is happiness; and the more you have of the former, the more you will undoubtedly enjoy of the latter.

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