1,360 Quotes by John C. Maxwell

"Hell begins on that day when God grants us a clear vision of all that we might have achieved, of all the gifts we wasted, of all that we might have done that we did not do."


"In order to *do* more, I've got to *be* more."


"The greatest handicap a person has is not realizing his potential."


"You may have a million reasons not to get started now. In a month or a year or five years from now, you may have only one regret - that you didn't start now."


"Psychologist William James said, "That which holds our attention determines our action." In other words, your behavior follows your attitude. The two cannot be separated. As author LeRoy Eims says, "How can you know what is in your heart? Look at your behavior."


"You cannot rely on your feelings. You can act your way into feeling long before you can feel your way into action."


"The best way to help people is to see the best in them.The 101% principle: Look for the 1 thing I admire in them and give them 100% encouragement for it."


"You have not lived a perfect day, unless you have done something for someone who will never be able to repay you.No man becomes rich unless he enriches others."


"All's well that begins well!"


"All things being equal, attitude wins. All things not being equal, attitude sometimes still wins."
