558 Quotes by John Calvin

  • Author John Calvin
  • Quote

    Christ is known rightly nowhere but in Scripture. If.

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  • Author John Calvin
  • Quote

    I have become used to swallowing insults for so long that I am almost insensitive; yet.

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  • Author John Calvin
  • Quote

    The Holy Spirit has consecrated us as temples of God. We, therefore, must let the glory of God shine through us, and we must not pollute ourselves with sin.

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  • Author John Calvin
  • Quote

    All things being at God’s disposal, and the decision of salvation or death belonging to him, he orders all things by his counsel and decree in such a manner, that some men are born devoted from the womb to certain death, that his name may be glorified in their destruction.

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  • Author John Calvin
  • Quote

    There has been nothing in heaven or on earth which has not witnessed that Jesus Christ is God, Lord and Master, and the great Ambassador of the Father sent here below to accomplish the salvation of mankind. All.

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  • Author John Calvin
  • Quote

    There is no erratic power or action or motion in creatures but they are governed by God’s secret plan in such a way that nothing happens except what is knowingly and willingly decreed by Him.

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  • Author John Calvin
  • Quote

    Now we shall possess a right definition of faith if we call it a firm and certain knowledge of God’s benevolence toward us, founded upon the truth of the freely given promise in Christ, both revealed to our minds and sealed upon our hearts through the Holy Spirit.

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  • Author John Calvin
  • Quote

    The difference between us and the papists is that they do not think that the church can be ‘the pillar of the truth’ unless she presides over the word of God. We, on the other hand, assert that it is because she reverently subjects herself to the word of God that the truth is preserved by her and passed on to others by her hands.

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  • Author John Calvin
  • Quote

    All the arts come from God and are to be respected as divine inventions.

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