328 Quotes by John Cleese

  • Author John Cleese
  • Quote

    I get bored easily. I’ve been bored most of my life.

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  • Author John Cleese
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    I now see, was the fact that there were so many areas of my emotional life where I was muddled and unresolved and therefore ripe for horrendous embarrassment that I was pointlessly guarded about everything. The lurking fear that I might accidentally give away something I did not want to reveal resulted in blanket self-censorship.

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  • Author John Cleese
  • Quote

    The other person at the Frost Report table to whom I was drawn was one Marty Feldman. I hasten to add that my interest in him was platonic: in fact when I first met him, I was rather shocked by his physical appearance. Dressed only in black, heavily suntanned and very fit, he looked like an Armani gargoyle. This was the script editor?

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  • Author John Cleese
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    When you do comedy in front of an audience, they are the ones who tell you whether it’s funny or not and which bits are funny and which bits need to be fixed.

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  • Author John Cleese
  • Quote

    The one thing I remember about Christmas was that my father used to take me out in a boat about ten miles offshore on Christmas Day, and I used to have to swim back. Extraordinary. It was a ritual. Mind you, that wasn’t the hard part. The difficult bit was getting out of the sack.

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  • Author John Cleese
  • Quote

    True, there was a vague assumption that doing so would bring me closer to God, but then who was God when he was at home? And why did he keep losing it with his chosen people, when he could easily have changed his mind, and picked a more co-operative bunch?

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  • Author John Cleese
  • Quote

    Don’t let anyone tell you what you ought to like...

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  • Author John Cleese
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    I’m not sure what’s going on in Britain. I don’t know what’s going on in London. Because London is no longer an English city, and that’s how they got the Olympics. I mean, they said, “We’re the most cosmopolitan city on Earth,” but it doesn’t feel English.

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  • Author John Cleese
  • Quote

    I think it’s because in America you always get the sense that if you fail, you can just pack up your things and go somewhere else and try again. But in England, it’s so geographically small that if somebody succeeds here, it reduces your chances of succeeding.

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