208 Quotes by John Cusack

  • Author John Cusack
  • Quote

    You just try to get the best jobs that you can get. Sometimes I produce my own movies, so that’s your own sort of vision. That helps things. I don’t know what it is. Probably just circumstance. I’ve definitely been aware of the fact that I want to do different things.

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  • Author John Cusack
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    Probably Lloyd in ‘Say Anything’ is the closest to me – or to who I was at the time. It was just a great love story about people in the ’80s, and we all tried to make it feel as real as possible. It was such a wonderful time. We didn’t leave anything in the gym; we put it all out there.

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  • Author John Cusack
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    If you’re a movie star, there’s a cycle you go through: adoration, adulation, you’re used, and then you’re discarded. And it happens again and again, always in that sequence.

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  • Author John Cusack
  • Quote

    My dad had a commercial film company, so he had a videotape player before anyone. So he got Mel Brooks movies or Citizen Kane or some classic old movies. And every summer the revival house in Evanston would show the great films from the ’50s and ’60s and ’70s.

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  • Author John Cusack
  • Quote

    Death is a billion-dollar business. They can’t even pass a law where it takes seven days to get a gun. Why don’t you have to go through the same kind of screening you do to get a driver’s license? It’s totally insane.

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  • Author John Cusack
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    Good actors can sort of see into people and immediately you have a chemistry with them or not. It’s like an affair with no mess.

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  • Author John Cusack
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    I don’t agonize over decisions as much these days. The criteria of what’s important to me is clear. The insecurity that you feel, and the paranoia that you feel, have been around for a long time – you know it’s a liar because it’s been lying to you all along – every time you start something new.

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  • Author John Cusack
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    I try not to dwell on the past. I’m not a big go-back-and-try-to-relive-your-past kinda person.

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